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About me

Hello all, my name is Jack, and I am a digital artist from Boulder, CO. I began my digital art journey back when I was about 13 years old creating YouTube banners, and edits for gaming channels. Through these commissions, I learned the basics of photoshop, and an editing program called Sony Vegas which set me on the route I am on today. Currently, I am the digital design lead for my band Lady Romeo creating many graphics, animations, and promotional material. I’ve only recently started my education with a focus in digital art, but it has already expanded my knowledge and skills exponentially. I am now fluent with the Adobe suite, Blender, and most basic coding languages including: C++, C, Python, and html. I also have experience with print. I’ve put some designs on t-shirts using screen printing, as well as creating event posters for all the bands I’ve been a part of.

 I draw a lot of my inspiration from Jackson Pollock, Waldersten, Keith Haring, and many other contemporary artists. I feel as though digital art is the next step in art history as we see more traditional art forms move to the digital space. It is important for me to make my digital artwork accessible for everyone not requiring a VR headset or resource intensive computers. My goal is to engage, and immerse my viewers into a world they didn’t know existed using new technology, new software, and new fads within the digital art world. 

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